Tall Cool One
Published on March 29, 2008 By sleepydawg In WinCustomize Talk
 I work as a plant manager and my job consist of many things. Almost all involve the use of my arms and hands. From running a loader, welding a chute, or troubleshooting a computer I need my arms and hands. My hobbies are much the same. From drawing a portrait to making a skin for some computer program, my hands are the art.  

At the ripe old age of fifty, I have lived past the warranty of life. From here,  I do believe things will go down hill. Last year I had skin cancer cut from both of my arms. This year my fingers are locking in place from arthritis.  Now I have become allergic to mice.
 Allergic to mice!  Yes, that is what I said. I have become allergic to the computer mouse. "Contact Dermatitis"

Marjolein Wintzen, Esther J. van Zuuren  Department of Dermatology, Leiden University Medical Center say,

 "The use of computers has increased vastly, occupationally as well as for private use, and in the last decade, a number of reports have been published in which skin problems are ascribed to the (intensive) use of computers. Not only irritant or mechanically induced contact dermatitis has been reported but also allergic contact dermatitis. As this appears to be a new group of occupational dermatoses."

So, what to do?

The doctor cured the problem for a short time with steroids. But that just created a bunch more problems. Believe me, steroids are bad.

A friend, when hearing that I was allergic to mice suggested that I get a cat.

At once I thought of contacting  "Po Smedley" http://posmedley.wincustomize.com/.  He being the Cat and Mouse expert. Then I remembered that I was also allergic to cats.

 I have tried about  6 different mice including the old "Ball Type".

Gloves are just not practical.

 My wife thinks maybe gluing leather to the mouse will help. Don't know yet. Still to be tried.

So, does anybody else have this problem?  Any Ideas on what to do?  

 The good news is I still have both of my arms and hands. They're just all cut up, deformed, and broke out in blisters. 

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 20, 2009

CarGuy, I can just here the guys at work when I start putting a condom on the mouse

Ah, but you tell them it's necessary.... you caught the mouse getting frisky with the keyboard and fear how their offspring would turn out.

Lol. Make sure it's latex-free condoms though.

on Jul 20, 2009

If you are still having outbreaks, try Gelocast by BSNmedicall (ref no. 1053-00). You should be able to find it at the pharmacy. Keep it in the fridge. I get the same problem on my leg. This clears it up really fast. It was recommended by a pharmacist. Since it is on your hands, may be use it at night with cotton gloves to keep it in place.


Hope this helps.



on Jul 20, 2009

It's really weird that putting a barrier ie: glove) between you and the mouse doesn't keep the dermatitis away. It seems like maybe it's prolonged exposure to anything that is causing it, not just the mouse.[/quote]

[quote who="sleepydawg" reply="25" id="1672689"]It seems like maybe it's prolonged exposure to anything that is causing it, not just the mouse.

Maybe the heat?

Just curious....how did they find the mouse was the cause (not that it can't be).

starkers is right that the most common causes are soaps with perfumes, heavy metals (Cadmium, Chrome...) and/or a host of materials that you come in contact with every day.

You should look at the possibility that the car steering wheel, or oils/greases on the fork lift/ hydraulic fluid, etc. might be culprits as well.

Try wearing gloves at work....vinyl, not latex...and you can use corn starch in the gloves.

Finally, I found a hypoallergenic mouse advertised (a keyboard as well): http://www.ruggedtech.com/Docs/MedigenicMouseDatasheet.pdf 

Incidentally, you might also want to consult a University based, Medical school associated Dermatologist and make sure you've been diagnosed correctly. Second opinions never hurt. No skin off their backs, right?   

on Jul 20, 2009


Finally, I found a hypoallergenic mouse advertised (a keyboard as well): http://www.ruggedtech.com/Docs/MedigenicMouseDatasheet.pdf 

At ~350 GBP (one of the pricequotes I managed to find) it's not exactly a bargain...

on Jul 20, 2009


But I wonder if Sleepydawg solved the problem?

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